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ImageJ 3D Viewer

2023-02-21 22:33| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

The 3D Viewer uses Java 3D to provide hardware-accelerated 3D visualization of image stacks as volumes, surfaces and orthoslices. It automatically installs Java 3D if it is missing. There is more information, including a 15 minute video tutorial, on the 3D聽Viewer聽website.

This movie of the File>Open聽Samples>Fly聽Brain example stack (in ImageJ 1.42 or later) was created using the 3D Viewer's View>Start animation and View>Start animation commands. It was cropped using Image>Crop and the number of frames was reduced from 71 to 36 using the Slice Remover plugin. The frame rate was set to 7 FPS using Image>Stacks>Animation Options. It was then reduced to 256 colors using Image>Type>8-bit and saved as an animated GIF using File>Save As>Animated GIF.






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